Window film, or window tint, is actually not something people in the northwest first think of when trying to control the effects of the sun. The truth is, next to putting plywood on your windows, residential window film is the #1 way to control fading in your home, even in area’s like Seattle and Bellevue!
Why does window film works so well for fade control?
The sun has damaging effects, even in Seattle, Portland, and Bellevue. Ultra-Violet light causes fading. Infrared-Light causes fading. Heat causes fading. Window film, or window tinting, is specifically designed to control Ultra-Violet light, infrared light, and heat! Of course, we WISH we could say “Window film can STOP fading.” However we can’t quite say that. The accurate statement would be: “Window film can SIGNIFICANTLY SLOW fading, by controlling its effects, therefore adding many times to the life of your floors, furnishings, and art.”
How does window film control Ultra-Violet Light?
We use Madico window film. 100% of Madico’s residential window film (residential solar film) contains a Ultra-Violet Light “filter” in window films’ adhesive. This window film UV filter filters out 99.9%+ of the suns Ultra-Violet light. The result? Fade control! Yes, this is the first step in how window film controls fading.
How does window film control Infrared light?
Infrared is a little more tricky then UV when it comes to window film. In actuality, UV light can cause a lot more damage in terms of fading versus infrared. Infrared light DOES still play a part though. The catch? All of our residential solar film contains UV filters. Only a small amount of our residential solar films contain Infrared filters. This is common among all the window film manufacturers. Our Purelite Series (our premium residential solar film line) DOES contain infrared filters. They are the ideal film in the Seattle, Portland, and Bellevue area if you want a solar film that controls fading.
How does window film control Heat?
All residential solar films control a measure of heat. Of course, there are varying degrees of how much heat the solar films control. The lighter residential solar films obviously control less heat. The darker films control more heat; thus they can better control fading.
In summary, if you want to control fading, the best way is with a fade controlling film. We have dozens of residential solar films that control fading, as do most window film companies in the Seattle, Bellevue, and Portland area. But when it comes to our recommendation of the best film to control fading in the Northwest, we stand by our Purelite 40! Ask us about it today.